Understanding Your Test Results

Your performance on a test is evaluated against an established standard. Total test scores are based on all sections of a test and are reported on a scale with a range of 100 to 300. Each test has its own passing score set by the Utah State Board of Education (select your test to see passing score). A total test scaled score equal to or higher than the passing score is required to pass the test.

Scoring open responses. Information about the scoring of open responses, including performance characteristics and the score scale, is available in the open-response section of the study guide.

Scoring Series FLEX

Series FLEX submissions are scored holistically by two or more independent scorers. Scorers judge the overall effectiveness of each submission using a performance score scale and a set of performance characteristics. Refer to the Study Guide in the Prepare section of the National Evaluation Series™ program website for more information. Passing status is based on your score for the Series FLEX submission.

How to Read Your Score Report

Examinees who take a National Evaluation Series™ test to meet Utah State Department of Education certification requirements will receive a National Evaluation Series score report with diagnostic information that indicates whether the examinee has met the Utah requirements for that test.